The board of trustees plays an important role in a medical aid scheme. It is responsible for the proper and sound management of the Scheme. In simple language, the board of trustees must see to it that the Scheme is run properly in all aspects including finances and governance.

The board must act with due care, diligence, skill and in good faith at all times when doing its job. It must represent the interests of the members of the scheme.

The Makeup of the SAMWUMED Board of Trustees

The SAMWUMED Board of Trustees is made up of ten members. Six are elected by members of the scheme, whilst four are selected by the Central Executive Committee of the Union.  Amongst the ten is a pensioner to represent the interest of pensioners. Trustees are in office for a period of five years. Click here to see SAMWUMED board of trustees.

Becoming a member of the Board

Any member of the Scheme who is in good standing and is 21 years or older can be nominated and voted into the board of trustees. But the selection standard is strict. For example, a person with a criminal record or whose premium is not fully paid may not be elected to become a trustee. In addition, employees of the scheme cannot become trustees.


Reporting to Members

The board of trustees gets an opportunity to report back to members at the scheme’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). The report back is comprehensive and includes the Scheme’s financial and operational performance.

This year the SAMWUMED AGM will take place on 21 September 2021. To confirm your attendance, click here