What is DBC?
The DBC (Documentation Based Care) back and neck rehabilitation programme is a physiotherapy and rehabilitation programme that helps members and dependents who suffer primarily from back and neck problems. The programme, which takes place at specific DBC Centres, consists of up to 12 sessions over a 6 week period. It helps patients to amongst others:
- Manage severe neck and back pain
- Restore the range of motion
- Restore muscle co-ordination and movement control
- Improve muscle endurance
- Improve general condition
- Re-educate patients in the difference between normal physical loading and pain
- Reduce fears and avoidance behaviour
- Tackle the psychological, social and occupational obstacles to return to normal daily living
Programme Benefits
- The Scheme covers the full cost of the programme, so it won’t impact your Day-to-Day benefits
- An initial assessment to determine the level of treatment required
- A personalised treatment plan for up to 6 weeks, including doctors, physiotherapists and biokineticists.
- Home care plan to maintain results in the long-term
Accessing the Programme
Members can access the programme through various ways, for example:
- If admitted to hospital with back or neck surgery (for example a spinal fusion), pain management (for example a rhizotomy) or specialised radiology (for example an MRI scan)
- A member is identified as being at risk of a back or neck admission within the next year
- A specialist or Family Practitioner may refer a patient onto the Programme
- A member may also contact the Member Contact Centre on 0860 106 155 or email: membercare@medscheme.co.za should they experience chronic, ongoing back or neck pain.
Click here to download a list of DBC Back and Neck Rehabilitation centres.