December 3, 2019

The time has come for me as Curator of SAMWUMED to conclude the business of curatorship at the Scheme, which I was appointed to undertake by the High Court. From a governance point of view, this process has resulted in the Scheme having successfully conducted an election of new Trustees and convening an Annual General Meeting. The members of the Scheme and SAMWU, had an opportunity to elect and appoint the new Board of Trustees, in a free and fair manner.


As part of my closure report, I have been conducting visits with key stakeholders, including members, Heads of Human Resources within our municipalities, the Unions, MOEs and other relevant parties. To this end, I will be submitting my final report to Council, whilst also ensuring that the handover to the new Board of SAMWUMED remains a priority.


For the last time as Curator of SAMWUMED, I wish to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to do my work to the best of my ability during this past 12 months. Having observed the diligence and passion of the executive management team and the employees of the Scheme, I have no doubt that SAMWUMED is destined for great things in the future. I therefore wish each of you as our newsletter subscribers, the very best for the future and pray you remain the partners that SAMWUMED needs going forward.

Yours Sincerely

Joe Seoloane






Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.