Steps to Prevent or Reduce Cancer Risk


More people die from Cancer each year than from HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined, according to

But it does not have to be that way – as many Cancers can be avoided and also treated if found early.

Below are some tips on how to lower your risk of getting Cancer

The use of tobacco products has been linked to many types of cancer, including lung, colorectal, breast, throat, cervical, bladder, mouth and esophageal. It’s never too late to quit.  Non-smokers who are exposed to second hand smoke are also at risk for lung cancer and other respiratory conditions.

Skin Cancer is the one of the most common and most preventable cancer. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation causes most skin cancer. Be sure to use adequate sun protection year-round.

Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Limit red meat and cut out processed meats. It is also important to limit alcohol consumption because alcohol can increase your risk for liver, colorectal and breast cancers. If you drink alcohol, have no more than two drinks a day if you are a man or one drink a day if you are a woman.

Getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day can make a big difference in your general health and well-being. Not being active, weight gain and obesity have been linked to breast and colorectal cancer, and there is also some evidence of a link to lung and pancreatic cancer. Add exercise to your routine to reduce stress, increase energy, boost your immune system, control your weight and reduce your risk for cancer.

Many strains of the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV, are spread through skin to skin contact during vaginal, anal and oral sex. High-risk strains of HPV have increasingly been found to cause many types of cancer. The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can also be spread from person to person through unprotected sex. It can cause long-term liver infections that can increase a person’s chance of developing liver cancer.

Talk to your healthcare professional or doctor about cancer screening. Some tests can help detect cancer early, when treatment is more likely to be successful, and some can also detect pre-cancerous conditions before they become cancer. While screening has been proven to save lives, screening guidelines aren’t always “one size fits all.”


SAMWUMED members are covered comprehensively for Cancer.

Cancer Screenings

The Scheme offers health screenings including that of Cancer under its SAMWUMED Cares Wellness Programme. Members can have the following assessments:

  • Cervical Cancer (to detect Cancer of the Cervix)
  • Mammogram (to detect Breast Cancer)
  • Papanicolaou (Pap) test
  • Colorectal cancer

Click here for more

Cancer Treatment

Click here for Cancer Management Programme


Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.