SISONKE Programme

May 12, 2021

Breaking News: Calling all Health Personnel

The Sisonke program is entering its final week, ending on Sunday 16 May, and we wish to let all health personnel know that SISONKE has been extended to all health workers who are not directly patient- facing for this last week.

Who is eligible for Sisonke: The National Department of Health defines healthcare workers as: “all people engaged in actions whose primary intent is to enhance health”.

This includes all health personnel who are currently working in any private health facility (hospital, clinic, laboratory, pharmacy, care facility) or who provide health services at a community level.

Sisonke is open to all Administrative and Support staff in the health system, including staff from medical schemes, medical scheme administrators, multilateral or global agencies involved in healthcare delivery, community health workers, care home workers, funeral workers and registered traditional health practitioners.

For the Scheduling and Booking process, please follow the steps below:

*Step 1:

  • All Staff must register on EVDS as a HCW!
  • Please fill in your district and closest health
  • You will then receive an sms stating that you have been registered on the EVDS

*Step 2:

  • Staff member must register on V4HCW and agree to T&C’s
  • Staff to leave Council Number

*Step 3:

  • Staff can then book a vaccination appointment, at a specified site of their choice
  • you will received a 2nd sms with the following link
    click this link and complete the e-consent required for the SISONKE TRIAL.
  • once completed you will receive a 3rd sms from EVDS with your VOUCHER


For Staff Vaccination Queries and Updates, please join the telegram link:
For more Information on the Vaccines:

Yours sincerely,

Dr Unben Pillay
Vaccines For HealthCare Workers

Please note, as this is last week of SISONKE, you may experience long queues as we are pushing the sites to maximum capacity. Please excise patience as we help to protect all HCW.

Click here to download



Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.