SA’s Confirmed Covid-19 Infections Rise to 1 462

April 3, 2020

Health Minister Zweli Mkhize has announced that the confirmed coronavirus (Covid-19) cases in South Africa have increased to 1 462, up from 1 353 on Tuesday. At the same time, 47 965 tests had been conducted, 37 recoveries registered. The death toll stands at 5 people.

“But even with all that increase, we have indicated that there is a restraint in the numbers, which we think is an impact of the lockdown”.

“The fact that we have closed the borders, there isn’t a lot of movement with people coming from outside; the fact that people are in their homes means that there is not a lot of mixing of people in large volumes and large numbers,” the Minister said.

“That has really made a huge impact. But it is still very early days, we are only just starting and our current projections are indicating that we still need to get out and go and find more people who could be positive out in the community. We will continue to do that.”

For the latest on the Covid-19 outbreak, visit


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