Apart from ensuring our members do not find themselves in hospitals, the SAMWUMED Cares Wellness Programme and early detection benefit provides members with an opportunity to take ownership of their own health.
Blood Pressure
- Adults aged 18 yrs and older.
- Up to one screening Per beneficiary per year.
Type II Diabetes
- 18 years and older.
- One screening per beneficiary per year.
Total Blood Cholesterol
- From 20 years and older.
- One test for all adults at least once from the age of 20 years old and every year for high-risk members.
Papanicolaou (Pap) Test
- 18 years and older.
- One screening per beneficiary per year within a 2-year cycle.
Chlamydia Screening
- 18 years and older.
- One screening per beneficiary per year within a 2-year cycle.
Folic Acid
- Childbearing age.
- One per month for the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Faecal Occult Blood Test
- 50 years and older.
- Up to one screening per beneficiary per year.
- Over the age of 50 until the age of 74.
- One screening per female beneficiary every two years.
Bone Density (Osteoporosis) Test
- 70 years and older.
- One test for male beneficiaries aged 70 years and older and one test for female beneficiaries aged 65 years and older per year.
- All ages
- One test per beneficiary per year.
- One test per beneficiary every three years.
Thyroid Function Test (TSH) Screening
- Less than 1 month old.
- Once-off for hyperthyroidism in new-borns.
Flu Vaccine
- Up to one vaccination per beneficiary per year.
HPV Test
- One test per female beneficiary every five years.
HPV Vaccine
- Females 9 yrs to 14 yrs Up.
- Two doses per female beneficiary between the ages of 9-14 years, and three doses per beneficiary between 15 and 26 years.
Child Immunisation
- As per Immunisations prescribed by the South African Expanded Immunisation Programme.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
- One vaccination per beneficiary 65 years and older and for beneficiaries aged 2 to 64 years at risk of serious pneumococcal disease per lifetime.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Booster
- 7 years to 64 years.
- One vaccine per beneficiary between the ages of 7 and 64 years every 10 years and 1 vaccine per pregnancy in the third trimester.
Health Risk Assessment
- All beneficiaries Up to one assessment per beneficiary per year.
Hearing Test
- Newborns.
- One hearing test per newborn baby administered by an audiologist.
Prostate Antigen Test
- One test per year per male beneficiary aged between 45 - 70 years.