We wish for our members to enjoy their medical aid and stay with SAMWUMED. In addition to understanding Benefits, it is also important for members to understand the Scheme Rules. In this issue we focus on the process of registering and de-registering (removing) dependents.


  • Registering a Dependent

Registration of dependents is easy but it has to follow the following guidelines:

  • A member may apply for the registration of his or her dependants at the time of membership application
  • A new-born or newly-adopted child has to be registered within 30 days of the date of birth or adoption of the child
  • Should an existing member marry and wish to add their spouse as a dependent, the registration must be done within 30 days of the marriage
  • Should a dependent’s registration not fall within the above mentioned rules, then a member would be required to make a special application to the Scheme


  • Deregistering (Removing) a Dependent

Deregistration or removal of dependents from being members of the Scheme is also easy. The guidelines are below:

  • Should a member decide to deregister a dependent, they will be required to provide one calendar month’s written notice to the Scheme
  • Should a dependent no longer meet the requirements or conditions of the Scheme for a dependent, the member has to advise the Scheme within 30 days.