December 1, 2020

Dear Valued Members

It is unbelievable that we have come to the end of the year!

We would like to thank our old Members and Stakeholders for their support during 2020. We also welcome our new Members who have just joined us. You made the right decision joining SAMWUMED.

2020 was like no other year in our lifetime. You and your families as well as our country and the world at large were impacted and affected by the COVID-19 virus.

Although the impact differed from individual to individual and from family to family – We all watched with helplessness as the world as we once knew it changed around us. Things we knew and took for granted such as touching, travelling, going to work, going to church, going to the supermarket, taking our children to school, being with colleagues and family, and many others changed.

For our survival we had to find new and creative ways of continuing with our lives. Church, schooling, shopping, networking and working moved online.

In response to this new normal, SAMWUMED also adopted and stepped up as a caring essential service provider of critical health services. We continued to work from our homes to ensure that our members continued to receive critical health services whilst keeping you and our staff safe. We continued to pay valid claims, including those related to COVID-19.

We are hoping for a good 2021 for all our Members and Stakeholders. A year that will bring prosperity, health and joy to your families, especially those families that experienced losses in 2020. Having said that, we are hopeful that the world is getting closer to a long term cure for this deadly virus.

As we prepare to go on a well-deserved holiday break, we must remember that COVID-19 is still with us. There is no cure yet. For that reason we cannot afford to relax.

We all know by now how to keep ourselves and our families safe. Wearing masks, sanitising and keeping a distance or social distancing will keep us and our loved ones safe.


We wish you a joyous, restful and safe holidays as well as a prosperous new year.


Kind regards

Francina Mosoeu

Principal Officer – SAMWUMED



Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.