Preparing for Pregnancy

February 8, 2022

SAMWUMED wishes you well as you plan your family. The below guidelines are meant to help you during this stage.

See Your Doctor

If you are planning to start a family, a visit to your doctor for check-up for you and your partner. Discuss some of the following:

  • You and your partner’s personal and family medical history, including any possible genetic conditions that may affect your baby.
  • Current birth control methods. Your cycle and fertility may take a few months to adjust, depending on the type of birth control you have been using.
  • Weight, diet, age, and any related risk factors.
  • Your habits and lifestyle, such as smoking and alcohol use.
  • Any current medical conditions and medications. Your healthcare provider may suggest adjusting the medication, dosage, or treatment, or advise you to see your specialist.
  • Vaccinations, including what you have had and what you may need.

Consider Stopping Birth Control

When you are ready to get pregnant you will have to stop taking or using contraceptive.

Start Taking a Prenatal Vitamin and Folic Acid

Taking a daily prenatal multivitamin three months ahead of conception is a good rule of thumb. Vitamins that prepare you for pregnancy can help ensure that your body has essential nutrients that both you and your baby need from the very start. Look for prenatal supplements that have iron, vitamin C, calcium, and other key nutrients such as:

  • Folic acid to help support the early development of the baby’s brain and spinal cord.
  • Omega-3, an important fatty acid that helps support the baby’s brain development before birth and during breastfeeding.

Increase your Vegetables

It is no surprise that eating healthy helps with getting pregnant. A well-balanced pre-pregnancy diet is important to supply the nutrients necessary for your body to replace worn-out tissue and provide energy—all key factors in making a baby.

So, eat a lot of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Try your best to limit foods that are high in sugar and fat.

Look at Your Weight

A healthy weight before you become pregnant may help reduce certain risks that could result in making it difficult to become pregnant and other health problems once pregnant. Being overweight can affect everything from your menstrual cycle and ovulation to your blood pressure and blood sugar.

Being overweight in pregnancy can put you at risk for childbirth complications, including blood pressure problems, the baby being born before their time, and diabetes.

Now’s the time to get back into a regular exercise routine. Walking, swimming, and physical activities are recommended. Remember, every step counts.

Check your Mental Health

We all feel worried, anxious, sad, or stressed every now and then; it is part of being human. But if these feelings are interfering with your daily life, do not hesitate to find the support you need. Talk with your doctor or a health professional about treatment options. Even if your mental health is in check, practicing meditation can be an incredibly proactive tool when you’re preparing for pregnancy.

Say Goodbye to Bad Habits

Smoking and using certain drugs are a big no-nos during pregnancy as they can cause problems to the mother and baby, including premature birth, disabilities, and even death of the baby. If you are struggling to quit smoking or stop using drugs, now is the time to get help from a health care provider before becoming pregnant.

Avoid Toxins

Synthetic chemicals, metals, fertilizer, bug spray, and even cat faeces found around the home or at work can harm your reproductive system, making it more difficult to get pregnant. These toxins can affect your partner, too.

Reduce Caffeine

Now is the perfect time to start reducing coffee and other foods with caffeine. It is recommended that pregnant women limit their caffeine to about one regular cup of coffee a day. If you currently drink more than that, cutting down now will be good for you. It is also a good time to switch to decaf coffee.

Do not drink Alcohol

Alcohol is a no-go during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. Alcohol quickly passes through the mom’s blood to the baby and can cause a many serious problems. Since you will not know exactly when you will conceive, stopping alcohol altogether now is your safest move.

 Source – https://www.enfamil.comm                                          

Once Pregnant

Remember that when you hear the exciting news that you are pregnant, register for the SAMWUMED Maternity Programme to receive all the support you need from your scheme.

To register call: 0860 33 3387


Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.