June 3, 2019

Welcome to Imbizo – SAMWUMED’s Stakeholder monthly e-newsletter.

Imbizo means a gathering where important news is shared with all our stakeholders. The aim of this newsletter is to create a platform for information sharing on an ongoing basis, so feel free to sign up to our monthly newsletter via MailChimp.

In this issue we focus on Mental Illness – a disease that has a devastating effect on individuals (young and old) as well as families. Specifically, we shine the spotlight on Depression, Bipolar and Schizophrenia and break them down for easier understanding.

Our objective is to ensure that we educate our members and empower them to take ownership and responsibility for their health, whilst highlighting the fact that SAMWUMED covers these illnesses.

We have made it easier for our members and stakeholders to reach us and talk to us. We have a new Website through which we are raising our Customer Service. In this issue we show you how to take advantage of this Website to reach us and engage us.

We have been going around the country visiting, listening and engaging our Municipal partners with a view of improving our customer service. Read more about this important exercise in this issue.

We are certain that after going through Imbizo, you will agree that SAMWUMED is taking the lead in enhancing member education.

The latest version of NHI has also been released please click here  for more information:

Enjoy our newsletter!

Joe Seoloane



Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.