August 14, 2020

Dear Members,

As we know, August has been declared Women’s Month.

Allow me to pause, acknowledge and thank all our female members for their valuable contribution to the success of our Scheme.

I am also proud to be part of this organisation that has entrusted women with the lives of more than 75 000 South Africans. SAMWUMED has a staff compliment of 108. And of that, 69 are women. This is 63% of the workforce. Moreover, almost all the departments are headed by women.

I would like to borrow the words of the Former Secretary General to the United Nations, Kofi Annan, when he says “When women thrive, all of society benefits and succeeding generations are given a better start in life”

SAMWUMED has continued to thrive under the stewardship and the leadership of its women in all departments and all levels.

We have seen many medical aid schemes come and go. And others swallowed, merged or taken over. But SAMWUMED has remained as a dominant self-administered and financially healthy Scheme in the Municipality space.

Not only did the Scheme go against the grain by growing during curatorship. But this was the first growth in two years, as a result of acquiring new members and retaining existing members.

The tremendous achievement was because of hard work, determination, focus and not being afraid to take the competition head on.

Although we have our current ‘Mount Everest” in the form of COVID-19, I have no doubt that we will continue to climb until we reach the top.

This is because women are known to tackle the most difficult challenges head on and win, due to their inner strength, perseverance and their faith.

By working as a Team and soliciting the support and cooperation of our male counterparts, we will ensure that SAMWUMED continues to provide much needed health care services for many generations to come.


Happy Women’s Month!


Kind regards

Francina Mosoeu

Principal Officer – SAMWUMED



Option A for younger members and younger families offers more flexibility and peace of mind.
With Option B we make it possible for the main member to cover up to eight child dependents.