SAMWUMED members are covered for hospital benefits for managing serious health conditions and emergencies, offering peace of mind during times of critical need. Benefits include surgeries, specialised procedures, intensive care, and maternity services. They also include doctors’ consultations, anaesthesia, theatre fees, and hospital accommodation.

Option A Benefits
This option has unlimited hospitalisation.
Avoid a R1,000 co-payment by getting authorisation before hospital admission.
Authorisations must be done at least three working days before a planned admission or on the first working day following an emergency admission by calling 0860333387 or email
For a list of network hospitals and doctors, Click here: or call 0860104117 for assistance.
Members must use the Scheme’s network of doctors and hospitals that charge scheme rates to avoid an extra 25% co-payment or out-of-pocket expenses.
For planned admissions, members must ask their admitting doctor for the names of all healthcare providers involved in the care to ensure that they are on SAMWUMED’s network.

Option B Benefits
Option B are covered for hospitalisation up to a yearly limit of R2,021,000.
Avoid a R1,000 co-payment by getting authorisation before hospital admission.
Authorisations must be done at least three working days before a planned admission or on the first working day following an emergency admission by calling 0860333387 or email
For a list of network hospitals and doctors, Click here: or call 0860104117 for assistance.
Members must use the Scheme’s network of doctors and hospitals that charge scheme rates to avoid an extra 25% co-payment or out-of-pocket expenses.
For planned admissions, members must ask their admitting doctor for the names of all healthcare providers involved in the care to ensure that they are on SAMWUMED’s network.